What Is Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning?

 Hi! Today, I would like to talk about the Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning (CTML). Richard E. Mayer states that deep learning can be achieved by building mental representation from words and pictures. He suggests using words and graphics (graphics must be explanative) together rather than using words only in Multimedia Principle, it is important because combining words and graphics maximize learners learning. But multimedia learning can't be achieved just by adding words on a picture. 

There are three assumptions about it:

1- The dual-channel assumption: We have to seperate channels for processing information (Eyes - visual and ears - audio).

2- The limited capacity assumption: Each person and channel has a limited capacity. We create a "Cognitive Load"  if we get too much information.

3- The active processing assumption: Learning is an active process of filtering, selecting, organizing and integrating information. We build a mental structure and integrate it with prior knowledge.


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